6 Impactful CSR Event Ideas That Will Make A Difference

  • Event Management
A corporate employee holds a paper heart, representing CSR.

Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, is all about companies doing good things for society and the environment. Engaging in charitable activities associates your brand with beloved nonprofits, so you can help change the world while getting your name out in the community!

If your company isn’t sure what kind of good deeds to do, don’t worry. CSR events (like 5Ks that benefit charities) are some of the best ways to make a difference, and they can diversify your company’s event calendar. We’re excited to share impactful CSR event ideas to help you make a difference, but first, let’s start with the basics of CSR.

Corporate Social Responsibility FAQs

Before planning a CSR event, understand the fundamentals of these initiatives by reviewing common questions business owners commonly have.

What Are CSR Events?

A CSR event is a sponsored activity a company organizes to have a positive impact on social, environmental, or community issues. These events are part of a broader CSR strategy, where businesses seek to contribute to society beyond their direct business interests.

Double the Donation’s CSR guide explains that these programs structure a company’s efforts to give back. For instance, many companies implement programs like employee matching gifts, volunteerism, and charitable events.

As one part of these strategies, CSR events can vary widely. For example, you might host a fundraising auction, organize a community cleanup day, or host educational workshops. Some require more robust event programs than others, but all can contribute to your efforts to give back.

Why Is CSR Important For Companies?

No matter your business’s size, CSR presents incredible benefits. You don’t need complex programs to make a difference. Simply holding a fundraising event or offering to match employees’ charitable contributions can strengthen relationships with employees, customers, and community members.

Here’s a rundown of why companies engage in CSR:

  • Increased Brand Reputation: Supporting nonprofit causes demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility, showcasing your company as one that strives to make a positive impact.
  • Profit Growth: While CSR initiatives might require upfront investments, they can lead to substantial returns through increased consumer interest. Studies show that 77% of consumers prefer buying from companies committed to making the world a better place.
  • Higher Employee Engagement: When employees see their company contributing to society and the environment, they feel proud. Engaged employees are more productive and committed to the company’s success, enhancing workplace culture and attracting top talent.
  • Tax Deductions: Donating to nonprofits provides financial benefits via tax deductions. Check your local, state, and national tax regulations to learn how to leverage this perk.

It’s not hard to see why companies create these programs and host CSR events. It’s up to you to figure out which initiatives inspire your audience, so pay attention to the impact of your events and programs. 

How can your business participate in CSR?

You can build CSR practices into your budget in a variety of ways. Here are some of the best ways to get involved with charity:

  • Donate funds. Give a portion of your profits to organizations with similar values. For example, if you run a pet care business, donate to an animal shelter.
  • Offer matching gifts. Pledge to match a gift to any nonprofit your employees choose to donate to, doubling the donation’s initial impact. Workplace giving initiatives can maximize your CSR potential while increasing employee satisfaction. 
  • Sponsor or host a nonprofit fundraising event. Purchase a sponsorship package, provide volunteers, or donate in-kind gifts like venue space for local nonprofit events. Better yet, plan an event, and donate the proceeds to a nonprofit.
  • Donate in-kind gifts. In-kind donations are non-monetary gifts, such as goods and services. This includes employee volunteer time or a gift certificate for a service or merchandise.
  • Market a nonprofit’s cause. Spread awareness about your nonprofit partner’s fundraising efforts among your loyal customer base. You might share their campaigns on marketing channels like social media, email, or your website’s blog.

These are only a few of the ways you can participate in philanthropy. Adopt strategies that complement your business’s size, industry, and community.

What are helpful platforms to get us started?

Perhaps the most important part of CSR planning is ensuring your budget is in order. Consider investing in budgeting software to keep the process as painless as possible. 

In addition, a large portion of CSR involves project management and event planning, so invest in event management software to streamline the planning process. The right software can optimize everything from the registration process to post-event reporting.

Event management software offers reporting features, so you can assess the impact of your CSR events.
  • Alt text: Event management software offers reporting features, so you can assess the impact of your CSR events.

Lastly, if you’re new to CSR, a corporate giving platform will help you vet nonprofit partners and facilitate charitable giving. eCardWidget explains that corporate giving software eliminates the guesswork of CSR planning, so you can boost employee participation and maximize philanthropic impact. Facilitate donations, fulfill matching gift requests, feature volunteer opportunities, and more.

These solutions provide peace of mind when solidifying and executing CSR programs. Let technology take the stress off your plate so that your big events and initiatives can be successful!

6 Impactful CSR Event Ideas

If you’re excited about hosting a CSR event, we’ve got plenty of ideas to inspire your next event. Here are six events your business can try out.

1. Fundraising Auction

An auction is a classic fundraising event, whether in person or online. Get the best of both worlds by making it a hybrid event

For an in-person event, you can auction off items that your business has acquired or sponsor a local nonprofit’s fundraising auction by providing auction items, a venue, catering, or entertainment. To host an online event, you’ll need to use an online auction platform. At a hybrid auction, some people will attend in person while others will bid online. Everyone will use your auction platform or a mobile bidding app to place bids.

To decide what to auction off or donate to a nonprofit’s auction, think about what your business specializes in, what’s in your possession to give, and how it can be crafted into a unique package. For example, if you run a pet store, donate a private training session or gift certificates redeemable for pet care products. 

2. Gala

For a taste of luxury, host a high-end gala and encourage your customers and partners to buy tickets to attend. When setting ticket prices, account for overhead costs, and emphasize that the proceeds will go to charity.

At your gala, treat guests like VIPs with delicious food, drinks, and live music. If you’re sponsoring an existing nonprofit gala, contribute by supplying volunteers and in-kind donations like venue space and catering.

3. A-Thon Event

Partner with a nonprofit to host an a-thon-style event related to your business. In these activities, you’ll challenge participants to raise funds from their networks while completing a task. Here are some common a-thon themes for your CSR event:

  • Read-a-thon: Participants engage in a marathon reading session, sponsored per book or page, to raise funds for literacy programs or libraries.
  • Walk-a-thon: Participants walk around a track or other course. The more miles or laps they walk, the more they raise.
  • Run-a-thon: Participants are sponsored per mile they run to support health-related initiatives or other charitable causes.
  • Dance-a-thon: Contestants dance for as long as possible to generate funds for arts programs or other nonprofits.
  • Push-Ups for a Cause: Participants do as many push-ups as they can, often receiving donations per push-up, to support causes such as veterans’ affairs or physical fitness initiatives.

The versatility of this CSR event type means your business can create a-thons aligned with your focus. For example, if you’re a bookstore owner, support an education nonprofit or school with a read-a-thon.

4. Social Webinar or Panel

To demonstrate you understand the importance of CSR beyond supporting nonprofits, you must develop a deeper knowledge of your community’s social issues, do what you can to help, and spread the word. 

Accomplish this by hosting an educational webinar or panel. For example, a law firm partnering with a student legal aid branch might host a webinar about the justice system. If you sell plants, an environmental organization could teach about water conservation and gardening. 

Your corporate giving platform may be able to help you make connections for these conversations. For instance, many platforms have matchmaking capabilities, allowing companies to find nonprofits that align with their CSR goals, values, and interests in specific causes.

5. Team Volunteering

Another valuable resource you can donate is time. As a form of workplace giving, you can organize volunteer outings with a nonprofit partner to build employee camaraderie. This could include:

  • A community clean-up
  • Helping out at an animal shelter
  • Distributing food at a community food bank
  • Visiting a senior home 

Some companies even offer volunteer grants, which are donations to charities that their employees volunteer for. This helps drive participation and maximize your positive impact.

6. Matching Gift Drive

Corporate matching gifts are the easiest way to support nonprofits and employees’ charitable interests. Consider hosting a matching gift challenge and commit to donating a certain amount of money to a cause. Offer it to employees’ donations, your customers, or even a nonprofit’s entire donor base.

Here’s how it works:

  • Set the drive’s parameters. Announce the matching gift drive, specifying the organization that will receive the donations, the match ratio (e.g., 1:1, 2:1), the maximum amount your company will match, and the drive’s duration.
  • Encourage participation. Employees, customers, and other community members donate to the specified cause during the designated period and submit proof to the company. Alternatively, have the nonprofit set up a campaign page for the donation drive.
  • Your company submits a matching donation. After verifying the donations, your company will match the total amount raised according to the predetermined ratio up to the maximum match amount. For example, if the ratio is 1:1 and an employee donates $100, your company will also contribute $100.
By matching donors’ contributions, your company will multiply the amount given to charity.
  • Alt text: By matching donors’ contributions, your company will multiply the amount given to charity.

For an example of this CSR event in action, the Demopolis City Schools Foundation partnered with Robertson Banking Company for a matching gift drive. During the foundation’s Giving Tuesday campaign, donors gave $6,940, and the company’s match brought that total up to $6,940.

Overall, a matching gift drive fosters community involvement and significantly increases the financial support provided to the chosen cause.

The Bottom Line

CSR is not only good for your brand, but it’s the right thing to do. No matter what your industry is, you can find a nonprofit partner that matches your focus. Your next step is to research and reach out to nonprofits you think would be a good fit. Then, brainstorm ideas for your next CSR event, so you can change the world together!