How to Host a Successful Webinar: The Ultimate Guide

  • Event Management
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Webinars have become more common in the past few years as more professionals and companies have started working remotely and maintaining flexible work arrangements. As such, it’s safe to say that virtual events are here to stay. After all, these enable businesses and professionals to interact with more people from different regions and easily market new products and services globally. Webinars are also starting to feel more like in-person events thanks to the use of emerging technologies like augmented reality. It’s thus no surprise that the market for virtual events is valued at $78.53 billion (C$104.99 billion), with North America having the highest demand for it in the world.

Though it can benefit your business despite its remote nature, a webinar can only be successful if it’s hosted properly. To host better webinars, here are some things to do before, during, and after the event.

What Is a Webinar?

True to its name—a portmanteau of ‘web’ and ‘seminar’— a webinar is a virtual event where knowledge sharing, teaching, discussion, and networking take place online in real time. Like other online events, webinars have emerged as increasingly popular tools for organizations everywhere.

But why are webinars so popular? The answer lies in their versatility and accessibility. Webinars offer multiple benefits, including lead generation, increased brand visibility, audience education, and relationship building. Best of all, they are cost-effective, convenient, and often have the potential to reach a larger audience than in-person events.

Benefits of Hosting a Webinar

Here are some benefits of hosting a webinar:

  • Reach: Webinars allow you to connect with a global audience regardless of geographical barriers.
  • Engagement: Webinars offer interactive features like Q&A sessions, polls, and chats to enhance audience engagement.
  • Expertise Showcase: Webinars position you as an authority in your field and showcase your knowledge and expertise.
  • Lead Generation: Webinars are effective for generating leads as attendees willingly provide their contact information to register.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to physical events, webinars are often more cost-effective because they don’t require a venue, catering, or travel expenses.
  • Convenience: Attendees can join from the comfort of their homes or offices, increasing accessibility.
  • Data Collection: Webinar platforms often provide analytics that allows you to gather valuable data on attendee behavior and interests.
  • Content Repurposing: Webinars can be recorded and repurposed into blog posts, social media content, or downloadable resources to maximize their value.
  • Networking: Webinars facilitate networking opportunities among attendees, speakers, and sponsors, fostering valuable connections.
  • Sales and Conversions: Webinars can be used as a platform to showcase products or services, leading to increased sales and conversions.

How to Host a Webinar: What to Do Before the Webinar

1. Determine the purpose, audience, and objectives for your webinar

Like any great event, hosting a successful webinar begins with careful planning. By asking yourself ‘what,’ ‘who,’ and ‘how to host a webinar,’ you’ll be well on your way to running a great webinar.

The ‘what’ is the purpose of your webinar. Whether you’re looking to educate your attendees about a new product, share industry insights, or provide training, the topic of your webinar must offer value while being relevant and interesting to your attendees.

Next, define your target audience. Knowing ‘who’ you’re speaking to will help you tailor your content, format, and promotional efforts. For example, a tech-savvy audience might prefer a more interactive session with live chat, while a more traditional audience may be more comfortable with a simpler, lecture-style presentation.

The ‘how’ pertains to specific, measurable objectives for your webinar. Consider engagement goals such as the number of attendees or potential leads you’d like to generate.

2. Set up an efficient webinar hosting environment

Once you have clarity on the above, the next step is choosing a suitable webinar platform. Make sure you choose a webinar platform that fits your needs, considering its ease of use, features, and pricing.

An efficient hosting environment will minimize interruptions, especially if you live in a busy household or neighborhood. Move to a quiet area far from people and vehicles to reduce noise. Check if your lighting is sufficient to illuminate your face so webinar attendees can see you clearly. Next, ensure your desk is ready so you don’t have to adjust your space and disrupt the webinar as you host. Keep your headphones, mouse, and keyboard close by. If you need to, use a laptop stand to prop your laptop (and the event’s attendees) to eye level so you can ensure consistent eye contact for engagement and stay comfortable even amid longer webinars. Logitech’s Casa Pop-Up Desk is an excellent choice for this, which comes with everything from a laptop stand and a wireless keyboard to a tracking pad.

3. Pick a date and time for your webinar

Pick a date and time that will work best for your target audience, and craft a compelling title and description for your event website. This is your first chance to grab the attention of potential attendees!

4. Polish your webinar outline

Having an in-depth roadmap is key when learning how to host a webinar! Before you begin developing content, create a detailed outline. This will help you think through the process, ensuring your webinar’s content flows logically and covers all key points.

The webinar outline should indicate the entire agenda, include bullet points of what you need to discuss during specific segments, and highlight important details you need to remember—such as a speaker’s credentials. For the best effect, be sure to practice your role throughout the outline before hosting the webinar itself. Familiarize yourself with correctly pronouncing names when you speak about a certain topic or activity, and eliminate the “uhms” and “errs” you may say in between sentences. That way, you can improve your tone, liveliness, and speed for a smoother hosting experience.

5. Create and organize your webinar content

Once your outline is complete, it’s time to prepare your presentation materials, whether slides, videos, or infographics. Looks do matter here. Your materials should reinforce your main message while also being visually appealing to your audience. Developing a seamless, aesthetically pleasing presentation can take time. To ensure you’re on track with all preparation tasks, create a comprehensive timeline and stick to it diligently to avoid last-minute chaos.

If your topic lends itself to it, consider inviting an industry expert as a guest speaker. This can add credibility to your event and increase audience interest, taking your webinar to the next level.

Finally, since webinars depend heavily on technology, technical glitches can be a major setback. Always conduct dry runs prior to the event to test your webinar platform, your internet connection, and all audio-visual equipment to ensure smooth functioning during the actual event.

6. Market and advertise your webinar

Now that your webinar is taking shape, it’s time to create some buzz! Create an appealing landing page or registration form to gather attendee information and track sign-ups. This serves two purposes: as an entry point for potential attendees and as a vessel to collect relevant attendee information and evaluate the effectiveness of your promotional efforts.

Make the most of all the digital marketing tools at your disposal! Depending on your target audience, direct email marketing, social media, and your website can become powerful allies in your promotional efforts. No matter the platform, be sure to share relevant content that builds anticipation and funnels traffic to your registration page so you can track the results.

Don’t underestimate the power of your existing professional network and communities. They can be instrumental in spreading the word! If you’re looking to extend outside your own network, however, it’s never a bad idea to explore collaborations with relevant influencers or businesses for cross-promotion. Offering incentives like early bird or affiliate discounts can stimulate registrations further—after all, everyone loves a good deal!

7. Make yourself look professional

According to the LEMP article “Dressing Etiquette for Webinars,” donning the proper attire will establish your credibility and authority as a host. That can help you maintain audience engagement and respect throughout the webinar. When it comes to clothing, wear a plain shirt—preferably with a collar—so you look sharp and polished, and iron it beforehand to get rid of wrinkles. However, avoid wearing distracting patterned fabrics, especially if you’re using a virtual background for the webinar. If you need vision correction, make sure you get prescription glasses with a simple design and color, like rectangular or round shapes with plain black or metal frames, for a more professional look. If you are wearing headphones, ensure you get headset-compatible glasses like the Versace VE3293 or Oakley OX5152 Wire Tap 2.0, which have thin arms that can fit snugly under the earpads. Finally, keep makeup light and ensure it focuses on areas that can appear pale on screen, like your cheeks. Apply blush and lipstick for a lively look that is perfect for a webinar host. However, avoid shimmery makeup that can make unflattering light bounce off your face.

How to Host a Webinar: What to Do During the Webinar

8. Kickstart your webinar with an intro and overview

When the big day finally arrives, kickstart your webinar with an engaging introduction and provide an overview of what your attendees can expect using your previously created outline as an agenda.

9. Present clear, interactive content

Keep in mind that the key to a successful webinar is clear, well-structured, and interactive content. No matter the topic, your content should always be organized and presented with clarity. Multimedia elements such as videos, animations, or live demonstrations can significantly enhance the user experience and engagement.

Webinars also thrive on audience interaction. Including polls, live chats, or Q&A sessions can help keep your audience engaged. However, your audience’s time is important, so make sure you respect it by managing your time effectively and staying on schedule.

10. Bring your personality to your hosting responsibilities

Attendees would enjoy watching and listening to someone engaging and relatable. Otherwise, they may not stay for the whole event if you’re monotonous. After introducing your background, credentials, and expertise, ask the attendees questions, like what they know about the webinar’s topic or things they’re hoping to learn from the event. You can also give your own answers as examples so they’re compelled to share their own. That way, participants will be more interested in the webinar’s topic and potentially remain just as engaged in the event as it goes on.

11. Boost attendees’ participation and engagement

Some attendees may still hesitate to participate when the main event starts—like when a speaker gives a presentation or hosts an activity. Since it’s a virtual event, they may be less interested in sharing ideas with strangers or communicating with fellow attendees. To address this, make your virtual event more engaging by gamifying participation. Turn interactions into a scorable system, where they can win things like gift certificates or extra entries for raffle prizes at the end of the event. This interactivity can encourage them to answer questions and share their insights throughout the webinar more frequently.

12. Finish with a strong call-to-action

Finally, end the webinar with a strong call to action. For example, you could invite your audience to sign up for your newsletter, purchase a new product, or register for the next session.

How to Host a Webinar: What to Do After the Webinar

13. Send a follow-up email

It’s key to extend your relationship with your audience beyond the event. Send a thoughtful follow-up email thanking your attendees with relevant downloadable assets, resources, or recordings from the event.

14. Distribute post-webinar surveys

There’s always room for improvement, especially when hosting virtual events. After it’s over, release a survey asking the attendees what they liked about the event and if they have any suggestions and tips for upcoming webinars. This gives you an idea of what you should continue doing as the host, what you need to improve, and what practices you should stop doing altogether. You can send a link to the survey in the webinar chat before people leave, post it on your website, or email it to confirmed attendees.

15. Make the webinar available after the event

Although webinars are live events, many attendees (and non-attendees) will appreciate having access to the program. This can help them review some points, take notes, or use the webinar for future reference. Upload the recorded webinar on your website or platforms like YouTube. You can also send the attendees a link via email so they’re notified that they can access the webinar for personal use.

Hosting a webinar takes a lot of work and professionalism. By following these tips, you can be a better and more engaging host for your next virtual event.

Where to Host a Webinar

Hosting a webinar can be a powerful way to share knowledge and foster relationships. But a truly successful webinar experience requires thoughtful planning and seamless execution—and creating that seamless webinar experience doesn’t have to be stressful!

With Attendease, you can manage everything—from your event website, registration, and communications to event day and beyond—all from one platform.

Attendease helps:

  • Eliminate the need for multiple tools
  • Reduce the risk of human error
  • Cut back on resources needed to host your events
  • Keep all your data for all your events in one place

Host a Successful & Engaging Webinar with Attendease

Looking for a webinar hosting platform? Attendease removes the complexity of managing multiple webinars using an online webinar platform. Attendease allows you to manage your entire webinar lifecycle from one platform. From registration to email communication, sponsorship management, and reporting, you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips.

Want to learn more? Book a call today!