How to Make Virtual Events More Interactive and Engaging

  • Event Trends

Virtual events offer convenience, cost savings, flexibility, and far fewer overheads and logistics to manage. They are a great option for various types of events, from conferences and trade shows to networking sessions and webinars. With the right technology, the organization process can be easy and hassle-free.

Although virtual events offer a variety of benefits, one common challenge that event managers face is keeping attendees, participants, and guests engaged from behind their screens. Luckily, there are some innovative tech ideas that you can incorporate into your next virtual event to ensure your audience remains attentive, interacts with the speaker, and leaves inspired.

Types of Virtual Events

When we discuss virtual business events or gatherings, we’re talking about any type of occasion that can be supported on a digital platform. The global virtual events sector was valued at roughly $78.53 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.8% between 2023 and 2030, according to Grand View Research statistics.

These events can vary drastically, including (but not limited to):

  • Webinars and training sessions
  • Conferences, expos and trade shows
  • Workshops and interactive classes
  • Business networking meetings
  • Social occasions (birthdays, weddings, and parties)

With attendee locations a non-issue, much higher flexibility, and fewer upfront costs to manage, event planners and guests alike recognize the benefits of virtual events. That said, engagement on a virtual platform can be the biggest challenge. Attendees sitting and staring at a screen constantly can be prone to distractions, affecting their experience. 

Additionally, some virtual event platforms can be prone to digital interference, equipment failure, and glitches. Some platforms in the past have been prone to data breaches, leading many to seek alternatives with reputable security patching and incident response procedures, to safeguard their data.

Some users also find virtual events a bit more impersonal, making it challenging to create a sense of belonging and foster a personal connection among attendees. 

With this in mind, what can event organizers do to make their virtual events – whatever the occasion – more interactive and personable while bridging technological gaps?

Enhance Interactivity Through Technology

The key to making virtual events more interactive lies in choosing an event platform and utilizing the best possible features to your advantage. Incorporating more technology into your events can be the biggest driver in keeping your audience engaged, creating more personable responses, and cultivating a collective sense of belonging. 

With the right technology, you can also ensure that participant data is safeguarded and properly used, which will undoubtedly require some essential due diligence before you plan your event.

Here are some innovative ways to incorporate interactive elements into your events.

  1. QR Codes. These codes can serve many purposes, from polls and Q&A sessions to post-event surveys. You can utilize QR codes to create fun games or send audience members to specific pages on your website. When attendees use their phones to locate the right resources, event sessions or networking spaces, it bridges an easy technological gap.
  2. Personalized Messaging. You can create tailored messages for your attendees via the chat box and other messaging features. Consider collecting feedback in real-time from attendees via the chat, so that you can follow up later with a personalized email. You can even use this data to recommend one-on-one or small group networking meetings with like-minded attendees who are a good ‘data match’, or who share similar goals from attending.
  3. Interactive Live Streaming. Live streaming can be a great way to capitalize on a physical event – such as a product launch, a sales expo, or a trade show session – and let a wider audience get in on the action. You can cater to both in-person and virtual attendees, offering real-time polls and surveys face-to-face and via your live-streaming platform. You can time your speech or presentation with on-screen graphics that trigger at the right moment, or based on audience input. If you hold live Q&A sessions with real-time messaging and response facilities, you’ll be casting a much wider net.

Broader Strategies for Increasing Event Engagement

While virtual event technology forms the backbone of interactive events, it is not the sole contributor to an engaged audience. You should consider broader strategies that encourage active participation throughout the event, particularly if it lasts several hours.

Remember to build anticipation and foster a sense of connection before your event begins. Allow plenty of time for a ‘buzz’ to build, which you can do through a mixture of pre-event social media posts and paid ads, email campaigns, website blogs, and delivering printed materials when interacting with partners, sponsors, or prospective attendees. 

Decide how much you want to divulge ahead of your event, as a large portion of intrigue might hinge on surprises or unpredictability. Depending on the occasion, some participants may prefer knowing what to expect by looking at a timetable or schedule. This will allow them to plan accordingly, and attend specific portions of the event that matter most to them. Alternatively, to encourage participation from as many people, offer plenty of alternative options so they can maximize their time and get the most out of their attendance.

Offering plenty of interactive workshops, networking opportunities, and social elements through your virtual event platform is key to keeping your audience engaged throughout. You can encourage connections and conversations among attendees by creating dedicated breakout rooms, speed networking sessions, or areas where they can socialize during breaks. 

If your event relies on group participation, ensure that there is sufficient digital space and resources where participants can practice skills in real-time, or get hands-on with their engagement. Fostering collaborative problem-solving sessions using virtual whiteboards and team spaces is a great way to encourage active participation among attendees. 

Ensuring Online Safety and Data Protection

Security plays a pivotal role in virtual event engagement, which is why choosing the right platform is crucial. Event planners can ill afford to overlook security and privacy, as these are becoming increasingly at-risk due to insufficient security knowledge and practices.

When choosing your platform, opt for ones with robust security features and end-to-end encryption. Where possible, implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to verify attendees and restrict unauthorized access. MFA adds a layer of security that can block 99.9% of cyber attacks from compromised accounts.

Ensure that participants are aware of – and consent to – data sharing while reinforcing the need for proper online etiquette. If you do require some audience data, be transparent about how it’s used and ensure all essential information is stored securely, not distributed unfairly, and deleted when no longer necessary.

Focusing on these strategies can ensure that your virtual event attendees remain interested in and connected to the event’s content. Your engagement strategies will influence how much they value and remember their experience from the beginning until the very end. 

Remember that the goal is to create an environment where your virtual audience isn’t just absorbing content aimlessly. Encourage them to participate, learn, connect, and leave feeling inspired, valued, and entertained. 

Planning any event – virtual or not – can be daunting, but with the help of EventUp Planner’s Virtual Studio and the ultimate guide for event planning, you can approach this task with confidence knowing that your participants will leave feeling inspired and that attending was well worth their time.